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Cake Smash Guide

Thanks for booking a Cake Smash session!  Here is all the info you need for your session.


PLEASE schedule your cake smash session AFTER baby's nap time & meal.  We want happy babies at our studio, not cranky tired ones.  If you need to adjust your time due to this reason, please let me know now.

SET DESIGN: If you haven't done so already, please let me know what theme, colors, or look you want for your cake smash.  I will design a custom set for you.


I recommend no more than 2 outfit changes.  Too many outfit changes make the baby cranky, and also disrupt the flow of the session too much.  I recommend one formal outfit (pre-smash), and one outfit for the cake smash.  If you don't mind this being the same outfit, then thats fine too!

Cake Smash outifts: 

Girls- I recommend rompers, or onesies with tutu skirt, diaper cover, or shorts.

Boys- I recommend diaper cover or short sets, with either onesie or bare chest.  Suspenders & bow ties are also cute if you'd like.

I prefer NO shoes for photos.

If you need help finding an outfit, I'd love to help you.. just let me know!  Amazon & Etsy have great options!


For legal reasons, I do not provide the cake for your session.  Please bring your cake with you.

  • I recommend a 4, 5, or 6 inch frosted cake.

  • NO fondant covered cakes (they do not smash well).

  • NO Chocolate.  NO red or black frosting.  They do not photograph well. 

  • I highly recommend "Naked Cakes", or lightly frosted cakes.  Some babies do not like the texture of frosting, and its also less messy & slippery on the set.  Naked cakes are also more budget friendly too.  Samples below.

  • You may use a cake topper if you wish.

If you'd like me to recommend a bakery, I suggest Caked Up in New City, but many bakeries will offer this.

Day of your session, PLEASE BRING WITH YOU:

  • The cake

  • Outfits

  • A towel

  • Wet wipes

  • Diapers & outfit to go home in.

  • Plastic bag to put dirty clothes in.

  • Finger snacks that baby likes (cheerios, yogurt melts, goldfish, etc)

  • Sippy cup or bottle with a drink for baby.

And lastly, PARENTS:

You will get messy.  You will get a work out.  Please dress accordingly.

Other info:

Your session includes: Pre-smash portraits, during the cake smash, & bath time portraits.

Some babies may not like the cake smash... Either the texture is weird to them and they don't like how it feels, or they do not like the taste.  However some babies love it, and dig right in!  Most babies love their bath time portion of the session, and if we don't get smiles during the cake smash, we usually get them at bath time. 

See you at our Cake Smash!!

Thank you!



Face masks are optional.  Hands will be sanitized at the door, & shoes removed.


No extra guests will be allowed in the studio, only the clients that are being photographed & their parents/guardians. 

If any client has come in contact with anyone who has tested positive with Covid-19 within the last 14 days, I ask for you to please let me know as soon as possible & reschedule.

If any client has symptoms of Covid-19, such as fever, cough, fatigue, loss of smell or taste, or other flu-like symptoms, to please let me know as soon as possible & reschedule.

The photographer (myself) am vaccinated, & hands will be sanitized frequently throughout the session.


Naked Cake examples

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@2017 Heart & Design Studios.

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